My Japanese teahouse access path

The slate stones in their final position

The azalea next to the path

Digging the roji garden to remove the grass

The use of a hired rotovator helps!
I've now finished clearing the ground and created yet another mountain of rubbish to take to the rubbish tip. The main shrubs Have now been located and the next job is to lay the liner before laying the Welsh green granite. I'll probably use Cambrian green granite chippings around the base of the shrubs.

Magnolia 'Susan' in its final position

Japanese maple in it final position

Our dog Sixpence getting in the way as usual...

Seems like an early Christmas, but no, it's the weed suppressing liner

Using 16mm green granite chippings and small boulders - just a couple of
Azaleas needed now.
Here comes some hard work now as I've just taken delivery of the stones for the Roji garden- and it all has to be barrowed up to the top of the garden by hand.

Four tonnes of 40mm Welsh green slate after delivery

The first six barrow loads of slate laid!
Spent the day barrowing two tonnes of slate and called it a day - shattered - at 15:00 having decided that we will finish the last tonne in the morning. When wet the green slate really does look like a choppy sea.

Gradually covering the ground

Near the garden gate

Just the last corner to do!

All the slate has been laid...

Just a few finishing touches at the edges to sort out.

The traditional Japanese 'bound stone' symbolising entry into a different world.

The upper iris pond